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Chiropractic is Safe, Studies Show

Suppose you could find a treatment that doesn't require you to pop a pill or get an incision. Suppose the relief provided by this treatment last  longer than any drug or surgery. Suppose this treatment is profoundly safer than any conventional therapy you're familiar with receiving.

That treatment exists. It's called a chiropractic adjustment and it's one of the fundamental components of holistic chiropractic care offered right here in our Arlington, WA office. And you don't have to just trust us when we say chiropractic is effective and safe. Just look at the hundreds of research studies on the topic and the millions of patients living as walking proof.

Research on Safety of Chiropractic

Research has shown that chiropractic care is indeed a safe form of treatment. In fact, a 2007 study published in Spine looked at treatment consultations for almost 29,000 cases as well as over 52,000 cervical manipulations and found “no reports of serious adverse events.”

To further accentuate the safety of chiropractic treatment, perhaps the American Chiropractic Association sums it up best. They state that “if you drive more than a mile to get to your chiropractic appointment, you are at greater risk of serious injury from a car accident than from your chiropractic visit.”

Tips for Your Chiropractic Appointment

First and foremost, you need to be honest with your Arlington chiropractor when it comes to the pain that you’re experiencing. Dr. Ernst wants to know exactly how your issues started and all of your symptoms, no matter how insignificant that may seem. He'll also want to get a picture of your overall lifestyle and familial history to get a deeper understanding of the root cause of your injury. Throughout this careful diagnosis, Dr. Ernst will build an individualized plan for your injury recovery.

As you heal, Dr. Ernst may advise you to avoid certain activities like heavy lifting or running. It's important to heed his advice to avoid aggravating your injury. Gradually, he will work to incorporate stretching and exercise rehab to help you regain muscle strength and flexibility. He'll also speak with you about preventive health strategies like better diet and exercise, injury prevention tactics, improved posture and stress relief.

Through these completely non-invasive and non-drug treatments, Dr. Ernst has provided hundreds of patients in the Arlington region with safe and efficient pain relief. Contact us at Ernst Chiropractic Clinic and we’ll help put your mind at ease – from day one!


Thiel HW, et al. Safety of chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine: a prospective national survey. Spine. October 1, 2007.

American Chiropractic Association Website. Chiropractic: A Safe Treatment Option. 

August 13, 2014
dr ernst
Dr. Ernst

Arlington Chiropractor, Dr. Loren Ernst explains, “Chiropractic care, combined with sound nutritional choices and adequate exercise can have a profound effect on patients’ lives. Our mission is to help our patients understand how a healthy nervous system can improve their quality of life and give them their lives back.”